AltFest by BLR Hubba and WIP Labs (Nov 30 - Dec 15) features over 500 events in 10 categories across 40+ venues. BLR Hubba has something for everyone and a venue near you. Most Homegrown and Enabled events are free to attend. Explore them and more on this website(opens new window).
🌹 Here is the lineup 🌹
Tig3rbabu will be performing and live-coding in Sonic pi some electro-pop versions of classic tunes along with some originals from the vault.
Farah and Khoparzi will play with custom sound tools built in Reaktor and Max/MSP generating soundscapes with granular synthesis and machine learning algorithms tickled by repetitive envelopes, LFOs and pose estimation of movements across the space.
roguentropy Will give us a sonic pi set paired with a flute.
Koel Sen will break down self shot, archival and found footage recreating her cinematic materials into generative art using pixel layers, sound movements and vector graphics
Sourya Sen returns to working with DIY code and electronics, performing an improvised set with a handheld AV synth of his own design, the N8IR.
Khoparzi will bring in his usual improvised generative visuals tickled by chaotic algorithms meddling with signals and systems. Later the party will degenrate to livecoded footwork and bass music powered by TidalCycles.