
Livecode.BLR is a local node of Algorave India (opens new window). This website is an attempt to consolidate our Meetups/ Jams and to create a Directory of Creative coders & Livecoders from India to help anyone looking for like-minded people to collaborate, build, host events, algoraves (opens new window) and more ❤️

What is Livecoding?

Livecoding is the practice of using computers and programming for artistic expression. While traditional music and visual production processes are effectively opaque, a key component to LiveCoding is transparency, displaying the code and interfaces that produce the sights and sounds in real time. Some guiding principles of our community include: Exposing algorithmic processes, challenging established institutions and hierarchies, collaborative efforts with other communities, equitable practices of diversity and inclusion, and making space for experimentation and failure.

Are you a creative coder from India? Add yourself to the registry here!!